Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Holy Cow

So I haven't posted anything since 2008. What's new? Oh I don't know just a few minor things like- I'm divorced. I live in a new house. I am happy. (YES I HAVE THE KIDS so stop asking me that. Why wouldn't the mother get the kids?! SERIOUSLY?) I almost moved back to Texas in June but that was NOT a good choice and me and the kids are VERY happy we're still in AZ. We truly love it here. Say it with me now: "It's a dry heat".

I love my kids. I love my life. I love my house. I love my friends. I love the direction my life is heading. I love running. And when I'm not running, my mind is running a mile a minute- but you all know that's nothing new. I'm still painting, playing/singing/listening to music, and making jewelry. I've learned in this last year that I am stronger than I ever thought I was. I have also learned that I have amazing people that surround me and I never ever knew how many people really loved me. I am so grateful. I have also learned that I truly have no regrets. Just looking forward- don't look back. But the most important lesson I learned is NEVER EVER SAY HANG IN THERE. IT'S THE MOST POINTLESS PHRASE EVER. PLEASE STOP IT AND ERASE FROM YOUR VOCABULARY!!!!!

Makena started 6th grade this year and Sam started 3rd. Both my kids are awesome, smart, and drive me insane but in a good way. Makena is uber organized and self motivated and just follows the straight and narrow. Sam is hilarious, still a jokester, scattered and hates rules- he is well- ME. They are gorgeous, they scare me to death, and keep me centered. I don't think I'd have made it the last year if I didn't have my kids. (THANKS CHICKENS!) They are the reason I got out of bed on many difficult days. They still keep me focused on doing the right thing.

I started my new job today. I work for a company called BluePay. I learned today that credit card companies are TRULY THE DEVIL. And now I get to understand WHY they are the devil. I will help companies save $$ while explaining the fees, etc and getting them set up with better programs. I love analyzing. I love numbers. And I love money. This job is going to be fun... and I might just be kinda kick ass at it.

I hate blogging. So this is all you get. It's not that I don't enjoy writing, I just don't like taking time with details. If this isn't enough info for you, call me. I'll tell you all about it and talk for hours on end. There. I'm done blogging til 2010!

The Woohoo girl is BACK!