Friday, July 11, 2008

What I've been up to

So the creative bug FINALLY held me down and made me do it! It's the bugs fault! HE started it! In all seriousness, I have been making jewelry for 10 (or more) years and lately I have needed an additional creative outlet. Reading the book "Ask and it is Given" has inspired me to be true and do what I've wanted to for years- to become my old high school art teacher Mrs. Hogue. That being said, I decided to pick up my oil pastels, paint brushes and the like and get busy- Mrs. Hogue-style. I don't think I've painted since high school and that's been (ahem) 6 years now! Oh, I think I split something laughing so hard. ANYHOO. My son wanted a planet for his room- and he got one. Medium: acrylic paint, oil pastel, and glitter glue.

I also painted on my friend's daughter's wall (who knows my gardener and is the daughter of a woman that does the hair for someone famous). OK I'm kidding about the gardener part. The great thing is, her daughter's room now looks like an ice cream parlor and she loves it! (I only did the name and swirlies- faux finish and stripes were done by my ever so talented friend). This was a lot of fun to do... Medium: acrylic paint.

This painting is what has been in the back of my mind for quite a while now. I had to bust out some other stuff first to work out the kinks. Once I had some confidence built up, I painted the OM symbol- and me likey. That's right- OMMmmmmmm that symbol for everything. For completeness, breath, the 4 stages of Brahma. The color orange makes me feel creative and the OM brings peace to mind. This is how I feel right now- peaceful with creating! I just couldn't wait to get this one done...... Medium: acrylic paint.

I also painted daisies for Alison's (my BFF) daughter and will paint a DUBYA for her son (William) tomorrow. I whipped these out pretty quickly and I am pleased. I wanted something whimsical yet something that didn't only fit a 4 year olds taste. Something that could last in a girls room for a longer amount of time. I guess I'm just not a fan of 'age appropriate' art................Medium on daisies: acrylic paint and oil pastels.

So far, I am enjoying this creative outlet and will continue to explore it for as long as it delights me. And that could be all of 2 minutes. But we shall see.... we shall see. Eventually I will have pieces on my SkyeStone Designs website for sale. But for now, I'm just tinkerin and having fun!

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