Tuesday, July 15, 2008

One Tree Hill

The moon is up and over One Tree Hill We see the sun go down in your eyes... U2 dude. U2. What was that, like 1988-89? That was right before Bono went Auchtung baby. I have never. NEVER painted a tree in my life. So, even though good 'ol Ross the painter (RIP) on PBS would say "put some happy little yellow in there" I didn't. I haven't even let the paint dry on this one. Here's what I've done today- I'm sure i will continue to fidget with it until I feel great about it. But for now- it's simple and soothing.
(More U2) Oh... great ocean... Oh great sea... Run toooo the ocean... Run to the sea...
Medium: Acrylic paint


kirsten said...

wow...had no idea you could paint! your stuff is cool!!! link away sistah....i'm linking you too! (or should i say U2)

~Jill~ said...

that is a freakin awesome tree. I like it just the way it is :D seriously...I mean that lol :)